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HTML-Encrypter 1.1 - protect html source
(~416 Kb) $15.99 PAD file: htmlencrypt.xml
Do you ever wanted to protect your homepage
against copyright validation?
With HTML-Encrypter you can encrypt the source
code of your HTML files. The files look normal
in any browser but the source code is not
human readable. Protect your Know How now!
If you want to create EXE files out of your html files you need HTML 2 EXE Baler.
To create your own online store you can use our software OnlineShop.
To create a photo website you use our Web PhotoAlbum.
HTML-Encrypter has got a 5 stars rating on Softlandmark.com.
HTML-Encrypter has got the Silver Award on http://www.cooltoolawards.com.

Read the review!
HTML-Encrypter got the "Softempire King" title by the SoftEmpire.com team.
100% CLEAN award granted by www.Softpedia.com
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